My practice is
ready for MRE
Learn how to begin referring for MRE.
Find MRE
With thousands of installations worldwide, MRE is widely available.
Search below to see if MRE is already near you. If so, you can begin referring patients today.
Below are some steps you can take to get MRE at an imaging center near you.
Ask your local Radiology practice to add MRE.
MRE software and hardware is available as an upgrade for nearly all 1.5T or 3T MRI systems from GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare or Siemens Healthineers.
To get MRE, the Radiology practice should contact their scanner representative and ask for a quote for MR Elastography. Links to MRE product pages for leading MR scanner manufacturers are below.
Note: Resoundant does not sell MRE hardware and software directly.
When reaching out to your colleague in Radiology, you can include the document "How to get MRE" (right).
It may be helpful to highlight a few important points in your email:
let them know that MRE would add significant clinical value for your patients and practice;
your referrals for MRE are likely to continue to grow as awareness about NAFLD rises;
there is a dedicated reimbursement code for MRE;
MRE is recommended in clinical guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association, Hepatology societies, and the American College of Radiology